Project health check

Maximize project work rate

The Cumulative Flow Diagram (opened and completed sub-results) shows the number of completed (green-marked) sub-results and the accumulated number of started (yellow-marked) sub-results for each week. The black trend line shows the necessary rate to reach the decided finish date. The green trend line shows real trend.

Calculated finished date is based on the current trend.

Decided finish date is the date set in Project details (as Close date).

Current rate shows how many sub-results in average per week that have been completed so far.

Needed rate is the calculated number of sub-results that in average need to be completed each week in order to reach the decided finish date.

Cumulative flow diagram showing opened and completed sub-results.

Make the whole greater than the sum of the resources

Number of full time resources shows the number of people that has been working full time in the project each week. A good team size is 4 to 6 people. A project can consist of several teams.

Number of full-time resources.

Manage the uncertainty

Number of Activities in done shows how much work that has been done each week.

Size of activities is calculated as the average number of working hours spent on each activity. The size of an activity should be between 4 and 16 hours.

Number of activities/resources/week shows how many activities on average each resource has completed per week.

Project overview in My Pulse Room

Week, the current week. In the image below we see data for week 37. It is on display until we pass the time limit for next week’s report. (The Report time limit is set in Pulse Room Details.)

Total escalated problems, is the total number of escalated problems from all your projects that are not yet resolved (red magnets).

Percentage full time resources, is the average percentage of full time resources in your projects.

For each project there are three fitness bars: Rate, Uncertainty and Interaction.

Rate. The fitness shows the calculated trend to finish on time. If the project will finish in or before time, the whole progress bar is filled with blue. Otherwise the deviation between the calculated and decided finished week is shown as a partly filled bar.

Uncertainty. The fitness uncertainty is calculated from the average size of the activities. The red bar indicates that the activities are too big.

Interaction. The fitness interaction is calculated from the percentage of full-time resources and the number of resources. Partially filled bar indicates that there are too few full time project participants.Image

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Sub-results. The project plan will consist of many sub-results (deliverables, small steps on the way) that together will lead up to a completed project. The number of sub-results should preferably be between 20 and 100. The size of each sub-result should preferably be between 20 and 200 working hours.

Project type.

  • B is a short project that for example develops a new model of an existing product (or process), customizes a product (or process) to specific customer needs, improves quality or cost on an existing product (or process) or installs a product (or process).
  • C is a long project that for example develops a new generation of a product (or process) family, adds new technologies to a product (or process) or develops a new design.
  • D is a research project (pre-development project) that develops completely new technologies.

Total working hours. The estimated number of working hours required to complete the project.

Start date. The date when the project was started.

Close date. The planned date for the project to be completed.

On hold/Holiday. If there has not been anyone working on the project for the past week, then switch to On hold/Holiday.

Completed sub-results. The total number of sub-results that have been completed. (Completed sub-results are in Agile Pulse marked with green magnets.)

Opened sub-results. The number of sub-results that are currently being processed. (Open sub-results are in Agile Pulse marked with yellow magnets.)

Number of activities in done. Each week your project team does a lot of work in order to complete opened sub-results. That work is broken down into activities. The size of an activity is preferably less then 8 working hours.

Count the total number of activities that have been done by the project team during the last week. (In Agile Pulse those activities will show as post-it notes in “Done” on the Project pulse board.)

Open problems. Are there any problems in the project that have been escalated to the management team? The project team then waits for a decision from the management team. (Open escalated problems are in Agile Pulse marked with red magnets.)

Full time resources. The number of full time resources allocated to the project during this week.

Part time resources. The number of part time resources allocated to the project during this week.

Number of pulse meetings. The number of meetings conducted during this week with the project team to coordinate and organize the work. (In Agile Pulse those meetings are called pulse meetings and they take place at least daily in front of the Project pulse board.)